torstai 28. heinäkuuta 2011

New for you guys!

Tässä muutamia kesän aikana käsissäni syntyneitä rouheita koruja, jotka sopivat niin naisille kuin miehillekin. / Here are a few rough pieces of jewellery I´ve created this summer. They can be worn by women as well as by men.

Nämä kaksi Rage against what?! -kaulakorua huokuvat maskuliinisuutta, rockia ja rajuutta. / These Rage against what?! -necklaces are fierce. They almost exude rock and masculinity.

Näissä vauhdikkaissa Bilar -kaulakoruissa yhdistyy kirpparilta löytämäni hauskat avaimenperät, romumetalli ja erilaiset muovihelmet. / I´ve combined key chains, junk metal and various colourful beads in these super fun, fast & furious Bilar -necklaces.

I know you can´t really hear the singing in this video but just look at these guys play!!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Wow, you're very talented!

    Thank you for your comment at my blog today. I, of course, had to look up the book about the clash that you wrote about, and I have to agree on it's great cover!!!

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words!

    And yes, the cover of that book is amazing. It really is BRIGHT pink! Almost hurts my eyes when I glance my bookshelf..but it´s worth it;)


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